mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 04:31:38 -05:00
Improve logging and output formatting with CommandSet
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var createCmd = &cobra.Command{
names or categories. Multiple arguments are supported.`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("CREATE", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.CreateCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.CreateCommands() })
@ -22,23 +22,26 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
package cmd
import (
func getAndExecute(action string, tgts []container.Container, getCmds func(*container.Container) command.Commands) {
func getAndExecute(tgts []container.Container, getSet func(*container.Container) command.CommandSet) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range tgts {
fmt.Fprintln(output, action, tgts[i].Name)
go func(cont *container.Container) {
defer wg.Done()
for _, cmd := range getCmds(cont) {
if err := cmd.Execute(output, fake); err != nil {
cont.LogEntry().WithField("error", err).Errorln("Could not", action)
set := getSet(cont)
for _, cmd := range set.Commands {
if err := cmd.Execute(output, fake, set.ID); err != nil {
"error": err,
"action": set.ID,
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ affected: the old image will still remain, though untagged, and any defined cont
will still use it.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("PULL", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.PullCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.PullCommands() })
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var recreateCmd = &cobra.Command{
one or more container names or categories. If empty, "all" is assumed.`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("RECREATE", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.RecreateCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.RecreateCommands() })
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var restartCmd = &cobra.Command{
one or more container names or categories. If empty, "all" is assumed.`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("RESTART", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.RestartCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.RestartCommands() })
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ var rmCmd = &cobra.Command{
If running, they will first be stopped.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("REMOVE", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.DestroyCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.RemoveCommands() })
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var startCmd = &cobra.Command{
one or more container names or categories. If empty, "all" is assumed.`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("START", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.StartCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.StartCommands() })
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var stopCmd = &cobra.Command{
one or more container names or categories. If empty, "all" is assumed.`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("STOP", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.StopCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.StopCommands() })
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ var updateCmd = &cobra.Command{
one or more container names or categories. If empty, "all" is assumed.`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
conts := config.Union(args, contMask)
getAndExecute("UPDATE", conts, func(c *container.Container) command.Commands { return c.UpdateCommands() })
getAndExecute(conts, func(c *container.Container) command.CommandSet { return c.UpdateCommands() })
@ -25,15 +25,13 @@ import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type CommandType int
const (
CT_NOP CommandType = iota
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ func (ct CommandType) String() string {
switch ct {
case CT_NOP:
return "NOP"
case CT_SH:
case CT_SHELL:
return "SHELL"
case CT_FUNC:
return "FUNC"
@ -68,6 +66,11 @@ type Command struct {
type Commands []Command
type CommandSet struct{
ID string
type errFunc struct {
Name string
Func func() error
@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ type conditional struct {
func NewShell(cmd string) Command {
return Command{CT_SH, cmd}
return Command{CT_SHELL, cmd}
func NewFunc(name string, f func() error) Command {
@ -92,8 +95,8 @@ func NewIndirect(c Command) Command {
return Command{CT_INDIRECT, c}
func NewSet(cs []Command) Command {
return Command{CT_SET, cs}
func NewSet(cs CommandSet) Command {
return Command{CT_SET, cs.Commands}
func NewDebug(msg string) Command {
@ -113,33 +116,22 @@ func NewConditional(name string, ifPart func() bool, thenPart Command, elsePart
func (c Command) GetShell() (string, error) {
s, ok := c.Command.(string)
if ok {
return s, nil
return s, fmt.Errorf("Type error. Requested = %s, Type = %s", CT_SH, c.Type)
func (cmds Commands) Execute(output io.Writer, fake bool) error {
for _, c := range cmds {
if err := c.Execute(output, fake); err != nil {
func (cmds CommandSet) Execute(output io.Writer, fake bool) error {
for _, c := range cmds.Commands {
if err := c.Execute(output, fake, cmds.ID); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c Command) Execute(output io.Writer, fake bool) error {
func (c Command) Execute(output io.Writer, fake bool, commandSetID string) error {
switch c.Type {
case CT_NOP:
fmt.Fprintln(output, c.Type)
case CT_SH:
cmd, err := c.GetShell()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s sh -c \"%s\"\n", c.Type, cmd)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: %s\n", commandSetID, c.Type)
case CT_SHELL:
cmd := c.Command.(string)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: %s sh -c \"%s\"\n", commandSetID, c.Type, cmd)
if !fake {
out, err := exec.Command("sh", "-c", cmd).CombinedOutput()
fmt.Fprint(output, string(out))
@ -147,11 +139,7 @@ func (c Command) Execute(output io.Writer, fake bool) error {
case CT_FUNC:
ef := c.Command.(errFunc)
"type": CT_FUNC.String(),
"func": ef.Name,
fmt.Fprintln(output, c.Type, ef.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: %s %s\n", commandSetID, c.Type, ef.Name)
if !fake {
if err := ef.Func(); err != nil {
return err
@ -159,50 +147,39 @@ func (c Command) Execute(output io.Writer, fake bool) error {
return nil
ct, ok := c.Command.(Command)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Type error: Requested = %s, Type = %s", CT_INDIRECT, c.Type)
return ct.Execute(output, fake)
ct := c.Command.(Command)
return ct.Execute(output, fake, commandSetID)
case CT_SET:
cs, ok := c.Command.([]Command)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Type error: Requested = %s, Type = %s", CT_SET, c.Type)
cs := c.Command.(Commands)
for i := range cs {
err := cs[i].Execute(output, fake)
err := cs[i].Execute(output, fake, commandSetID)
if err != nil {
return err
cond, ok := c.Command.(conditional)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Type error: Requested = %s, Type = %s", CT_CONDITIONAL, c.Type)
cond := c.Command.(conditional)
if fake {
fmt.Fprintln(output, c.Type, cond.Name)
fmt.Fprintln(output, "-- True branch")
cond.ThenCmd.Execute(output, fake)
fmt.Fprintln(output, "-- False branch")
cond.ElseCmd.Execute(output, fake)
fmt.Fprintln(output, "-- End conditional")
return nil
// in a fake setting, we don't know which branch will be followed,
// so show what we would do in either branch
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: %s %s\n", commandSetID, c.Type, cond.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: -- True branch\n", commandSetID)
cond.ThenCmd.Execute(output, fake, commandSetID)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: -- False branch\n", commandSetID)
cond.ElseCmd.Execute(output, fake, commandSetID)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: -- End conditional\n", commandSetID)
} else {
branch := cond.Condition()
fmt.Fprintln(output, c.Type, cond.Name, ":", branch)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: %s %s: %v\n", commandSetID, c.Type, cond.Name, branch)
if branch {
return cond.ThenCmd.Execute(output, fake)
return cond.ThenCmd.Execute(output, fake, commandSetID)
} else {
return cond.ElseCmd.Execute(output, fake)
return cond.ElseCmd.Execute(output, fake, commandSetID)
case CT_DEBUG:
msg, ok := c.Command.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Type error: Requested = %s, Type = %s", CT_DEBUG, c.Type)
fmt.Fprintln(output, c.Type, msg)
msg := c.Command.(string)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s: %s %s\n", commandSetID, c.Type, msg)
return nil
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import (
cmd "gitea.elkins.co/Networking/ccl/internal/pkg/command"
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ type Container struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
Image string `toml:"image"`
Hostname string `toml:"hostname,omitempty"`
Command []string `toml:"command,omitempty"`
Command []string `toml:"cmd,omitempty"`
Arguments string `toml:"arguments,omitempty"`
Networks []network.Network `toml:"networks,omitempty"`
Env map[string]string `toml:"env,omitempty"`
@ -114,21 +114,28 @@ func (c *Container) pull() error {
return err
func (c *Container) PullCommands() command.Commands {
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("do_pull", func() error {
return c.pull()
func (c *Container) newCommandSet(op string, cmds cmd.Commands) cmd.CommandSet {
return cmd.CommandSet {
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", op, c.Name),
Commands: cmds,
func (c *Container) CreateCommands() command.Commands {
func (c *Container) PullCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
return c.newCommandSet("PULL", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("do_pull", func() error {
return c.pull()
func (c *Container) CreateCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
if c.Image == "" {
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("image_error", func() error {
return c.newCommandSet("CREATE", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("image_error", func() error {
return fmt.Errorf("Image not configured")
sysctl := map[string]string{}
nets := map[string]types.PerNetworkOptions{}
@ -176,8 +183,8 @@ func (c *Container) CreateCommands() command.Commands {
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("bail_if_exists", func() error {
return c.newCommandSet("CREATE", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("bail_if_exists", func() error {
if ex, err := containers.Exists(c.conn, c.Name, &containers.ExistsOptions{}); err != nil || ex {
if err != nil {
return err
@ -186,7 +193,7 @@ func (c *Container) CreateCommands() command.Commands {
return nil
command.NewFunc("pull_if_necessary", func() error {
cmd.NewFunc("pull_if_necessary", func() error {
if ex, err := images.Exists(c.conn, c.Image, &images.ExistsOptions{}); err != nil || !ex {
if err != nil {
return err
@ -195,51 +202,61 @@ func (c *Container) CreateCommands() command.Commands {
return nil
command.NewFunc("validate_spec", spec.Validate),
command.NewFunc("do_create", func() error {
cmd.NewFunc("validate_spec", spec.Validate),
cmd.NewFunc("do_create", func() error {
_, err := containers.CreateWithSpec(c.conn, &spec, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.populateCData()
func (c *Container) RecreateCommands() command.Commands {
func (c *Container) RecreateCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
wasRunning := false
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("stash_run_state", func() error {
return c.newCommandSet("RECREATE", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("stash_run_state", func() error {
wasRunning = c.IsRunning()
return nil
func() bool { return wasRunning },
func (c *Container) DestroyCommands() command.Commands {
cmds := c.StopCommands()
cmds = append(cmds, command.NewFunc("remove_if_exists", func() error {
if c.cdata.ID == "" {
return nil
yes := true
_, err := containers.Remove(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.RemoveOptions{Force: &yes})
return err
return cmds
func (c *Container) RemoveCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
return c.newCommandSet("REMOVE", cmd.Commands{
func (c *Container) StartCommands() command.Commands {
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("start_container", func() error {
if c.cdata.State != nil && c.cdata.State.Running {
// unexported version just removes the container without attempting a stop.
func (c *Container) removeCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
return c.newCommandSet("remove", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("remove_if_exists", func() error {
if c.cdata.ID == "" {
return nil
yes := true
_, err := containers.Remove(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.RemoveOptions{Force: &yes})
return err
func (c *Container) StartCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
return c.newCommandSet("START", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("start_container", func() error {
if c.IsRunning() {
c.LogEntry().Debugln("Container start was commanded but it is already running. Not a problem.")
return nil
err := containers.Start(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, nil)
@ -256,18 +273,18 @@ func (c *Container) StartCommands() command.Commands {
err = c.assureNetNS()
if err != nil {
return err
c.LogEntry().WithField("error", err).Warnln("Failed to create network namespace")
return nil
func (c *Container) RestartCommands() command.Commands {
return command.Commands{
func (c *Container) RestartCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
return c.newCommandSet("RESTART", cmd.Commands{
func (c *Container) IsRunning() bool {
@ -284,54 +301,51 @@ func (c *Container) IsCreated() bool {
return true
func (c *Container) UpdateCommands() command.Commands {
func (c *Container) UpdateCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
wasRunning := false
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("pull_and_stop", func() error {
return c.newCommandSet("UPDATE", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("pull_image", func() error {
err := c.pull()
if err != nil {
return err
wasRunning = c.cdata != nil && c.cdata.State != nil && c.cdata.State.Running
if wasRunning {
var timeout uint = 10
_ = containers.Stop(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.StopOptions{Timeout: &timeout})
return nil
func() bool { return wasRunning },
func (c *Container) StopCommands() command.Commands {
return command.Commands{
command.NewFunc("stop_if_running", func() error {
if c.IsRunning() {
var timeout uint = 10
err := containers.Stop(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.StopOptions{Timeout: &timeout})
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = containers.Wait(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.WaitOptions{Condition: []define.ContainerStatus{define.ContainerStateExited}})
if err != nil {
return err
return c.populateCData()
func (c *Container) StopCommands() cmd.CommandSet {
return c.newCommandSet("STOP", cmd.Commands{
cmd.NewFunc("stop_if_running", func() error {
if !c.IsRunning() {
c.LogEntry().Debugln("Container stop was commanded but it wasn't running. Not a problem.")
return nil
c.LogEntry().Debugf("Container stopped but wasn't running. Not a problem.")
return nil
var timeout uint = 10
err := containers.Stop(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.StopOptions{Timeout: &timeout})
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = containers.Wait(c.conn, c.cdata.ID, &containers.WaitOptions{Condition: []define.ContainerStatus{define.ContainerStateExited}})
if err != nil {
return err
return c.populateCData()
func (c *Container) populateCData() error {
// TODO: locking
// TODO: locking?
var err error
no := false
c.cdata, err = containers.Inspect(c.conn, c.Name, &containers.InspectOptions{Size: &no})
Reference in New Issue
Block a user